CH Bonsue Spirited Sequel SWN (AI)

For further information contact:

Contact :
Lauren Herd
Reveal Email
Pedigree for CH Bonsue Spirited Sequel SWN (AI)
Sire : Ch. Taswest Spirit of Australia S: Am. Ch. Can. Ch. Bentbrooks Image of Highnoon (USA) S: Can. Ch. Doll Announces Veni Vedi Veci (NOR)
D: Bentbrooks Jewel Box (USA)
D: Ch. Taswest Dresed to Impres S: Ch. Boxlet Paddy in Peejays
D: Ch. Talks in Princess Leia
Dam : Bonsue Because You're Worth It S: Ch. Taswest let's paint th town red S: Grand Ch. Taswest Reggie in Red
D: Ch. Taswest She's Apples
D: Dual Ch. (T) Ronin Dreaming in Digital RN TSD SWN(ai) (imp NZ) S: Lock n Load Armor (USA)
D: Ch. Ronin Wrapped Round Ya Finger (NZL)