NZ Ch Blackregal Ozzie Sunrise (imp Aust) CDX JD

For further information contact:

Contact :
Robyn Annand (Member Details)
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Reveal Email
Pedigree for NZ Ch Blackregal Ozzie Sunrise (imp Aust) CDX JD
Sire : Blackregal Wizard of Oz S: Sherepoint Mac Gregor S: Branchalwood Portleathan
D: Braemist May Queen
D: Blackregal Ashes on Fire S: Bushman Fire Storm
D: Bushman Burnt to Ashes
Dam : Blackregal Mount Echo Sunrise S: Firebush Sargeant Pepper S: Bushman The Deputy
D: Bushman Dream Come Trust
D: Blackregal Fiery Sunrise S: Torlum Highlite
D: Bushman Miss Fire