Kyntaf Walking on Sunshine

Yindi is the high drive, very energetic member of our family. Although training for an agility career we have had a change of path recently as Yindi shows enormous natural ability working sheep and will now focus on a combined working career. The standing picture of her was was taken when she was about 8 months old and she has now grown into a very lanky athletic junior who is going to take some time to grow into her body. I was hoping to get a black/white girl to show from Yindi's litter but was not to meant to be and I am looking forward to a very exciting and rewarding time with this youngster.

For further information contact:

Contact :
Susan Krol (Member Details)
Phone :
0403 203 731
Reveal Email
Web :
Pedigree for Kyntaf Walking on Sunshine
Sire : Ch Kyntaf Walk The Line S: Ch Khayoz Midnite Gambler S: Ch Khayoz inthe Midnite Hour CCD AD JD SPD PT
D: Khayoz Illicit Affair
D: Ch Kyntaf Ima Little Star S: Ch Kyntaf BlessingNDisguise
D: Kyntaf Presents A Star JD
Dam : Selectaborda Justalittlewicked JD S: Emankay Searchers Image S: Ch Khayoz Soul Searcher CDX ET
D: Myworks Veil O Beauty CD
D: Selectaborda Pandemonium S: Ch Kyntaf BlessingNDisguise
D: Selectaborda Matilda