Australian Grand Champion Neecabe Conquistadorable

Hips 1:1
Elbows 0:0
Clear CL, CEA & TNS.
Glaucoma unaffected.

Scout came back for a holiday and finished his title in style in the Junior class with 3 X Runner up in Groups and numerous Group classes.

Scouty lives with a young family and it is amazing to watch how he interacts and loves the children. Scout has inherited his dam, Thalia's temperament. A kind, gentle and tolerant boy.

Thanks Stewart and Julie and family for taking Scouty on board and giving him a loving home.

For further information contact:

Contact :
Sharon Hannigan (Member Details)
Phone :
61 (2) 46309405 Mob: 61 (0)405 146 309
Send Message
Web :
Pedigree for Australian Grand Champion Neecabe Conquistadorable
Sire : Neecabe Thats What They Say S: Sup Ch Khayoz All The Kings Men CDX S: Gd Ch Borderfame King O Hearts
D: Ch Borderfame Mystic Power
D: A Ch Dykinta Rave On S: Ch Wiralee Wild World
D: Ch Dykinta Rave Review
Dam : A Supreme Ch Codebonnie Somethnwicked S: A Ch Maghera Morse Code CDX HT S: Gd Ch Maghera Star Collector
D: ch Maghera Time to Move On
D: Ch NZ Star of Phantom of Clan Abby CD S: NZ Ch CH Nz Kiwi Murphy of clan abby
D: NZ Ch Ch Clan Abby Thunders Ojo