Breeder of the Year 2024

Breeder Results - Individual Dog - Conformation and Performance

Dog Name : AFCH Micmaq Aint Misbehavin RN TKN SWA AD JDX GD FD Ch JC SD
Breed : Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
Owned by : Mrs M Kenny

C Conformation Points : 0
P Performance Points : 120

Date Show Name Result Points
9-May-2024 P Title Certificate - Snooker Dog (SD) 30
24-May-2024 P Title Certificate - Trick Dog Novice (TK.N) 30
24-May-2024 P Title Certificate - Australian Flyball Champion (AFCH) 30
24-May-2024 P Title Certificate - Scent Work Advanced (SWA) 30