Kingland Whispering Jack BSCL1

Large, strong, well pigmented dog of overall good type, strong masculine head with good strength, the mask should be a little darker. High withers, firm back, croup should be a little longer, very good hind angulation, stands correct in front moves correct coming and going. In movement displays very good ground covering gait.
Jack has three daughters all doing well, the star is Kelinpark Jaffa 'AZ' BSCL1 and she is now graded Multi Excellent.

For further information contact:

Contact :
Lorraine King (Member Details)
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Pedigree for Kingland Whispering Jack BSCL1
Sire : Hacky v Finkenschlag S: Sasko v d Noriswand S: Zito v d Noriswand
D: Gishi v d Noriswand
D: Tina v Santis-Eck S: Apoll v Laacher-Haus
D: Nicki v Santis-Eck
Dam : Kingland Indarra S: Lindendale Strike Force S: Karlrach Combination
D: Dorsten Sinitta
D: Manprince Royal Helenah S: Elvarado Jack Daniels
D: Manprince Yvette