Prefix : MCBOXA (Boxer)
Our Boxers are a huge part of our family. They are raised on our property with our children and not locked up in concrete kennels. When they are not being shown they get to enjoy being dogs, living life to its fullest that includes the chance to run, swim, play.
Im very proud of my dogs and their achievements in the Show ring as they are the love my life. I have bred some multiple beautiful Australian Champions and Best In Show winners. The dogs I have brought into my life have been shown also to gain there Australian Champion titles. I'm very passionate about my dogs and get great pleasure with how successful they all are.
I have been lucking in placing all my babies with the most loving of homes who I still have contact with each and everyone of them, I get too watch them grow on my MCBOXA Facebook page and when they come home for holidays when there beautiful families go away.
When I do breed a litter I'm breeding for my next Mcboxa Show team member. Showing is a huge part in our lives, we are in the show ring most weekends. My babies are competing as soon as they are 3 mths old. There is nothing more rewarding than knowing you have taken your a baby you have bred to a Championship status, even better when the get Best in Show/Group awards.
If you would love to know more about my Boxers please contact me. I'm more than happy to answer any questions and chat about my beautiful dogs.
My boxers are made with Pure Love.
Next Litter Planned: Unknown