Prefix : LOUALLI (Boston Terrier)
Dedicated breeder of 40 years, continually striving for the improvement of the breed.
All current breeding stock tested clear by DNA for Juvenile Cataracts.
Loualli Boston Terriers continually win under National and International breed specialists.
Home of past imports-:
AUST CH El-BO’s Tasman Tradewinds (Imp USA) aka George
AM CH, AUST CH Hi-Society's Happy Trails (Imp USA)aka Fudge &
AM CH Hi-Society Montana Cowboy (Imp USA) aka Casper
AUST CH Hi-Society's Back for More (Imp USA)aka Summa
AM CH Sunwood Destiny Strikes Again(Imp USA)aka Stryker.
AUST CH Boston Style You Only Wins Hearts (Imp Rus) aka Angelika
I'm always happy to chat about this wonderful breed.
Next Litter Planned: Unknown