Dachshund (Wire Haired) Pointscore 2024
This page shows the national breed tally board.
View State Tally
Show Dog of the Year National Leaderboard 2024
The All Breeds leaderboard recognises the significant show wins for this breed. It is based on Best / Runner-Up in Show and Best / Runner-Up in Group wins only.
All shows (regardless of location) are eligible for inclusion in the National tallyboard.
Aust Ch Wyredach Ima Hottie
(Ms H Notting)
No. 1
- Aust Ch Wyredach Ima Hottie (Ms H Notting) (466)
No. 2
- Aust Ch Kissdachs Genius Matrix (Imp UK) (Andrea Coss) (403)
No. 3
- Aust Sup Ch Idylewins Terrific Treacle (Melissa Purich) (301)
No. 4
- Aust Ch Szamor Tom Collins At Cayugaridge (AI) (Imp NZ) (Leslie A Weston) (242)
No. 5
- Aust Ch Idylewins Wanda At Rimzan (Mr R & Mrs D Squires) (191)
No. 6
- Aust Sup Ch Dachdotcom Isadore W (Andrea Coss) (174)
No. 7
- Aust Sup Ch Dachdotcom Rumour Has It (AI) (J & T McDonald) (173)
No. 8
- Aust Ch Cayugaridge Kit Kat EIC (Mel Howarth) (152)
No. 9
- Aust Ch Cayugaridge Hershey Kiss (AI) (Leslie A Weston) (91)
No. 10
- Szamor Gin O'Clock At Kizatri (AI) (Imp NZ) (Mel Howarth) (51)
No. 11
- Shasdin Wiry I Said Hi (J & T McDonald) (44)
No. 12
- Aust Ch Rimzan Whiskey Glasses (AI) (Mr R & Mrs D Squires) (40)
No. 13
- Aust Ch Cayugaridge Versace (AI) (Leslie A Weston) (35)
Breed Challenge National Leaderboard 2024
The Breed Challenge recognises consistent performers at the breed level. Points are based on Challenge Points received at Breed Level at any Championship Show throughout Australia. All shows (regardless of location) are eligible for inclusion in the National tallyboard.
Aust Ch Wyredach Ima Hottie
(Ms H Notting)
No. 1
- Aust Ch Wyredach Ima Hottie (Ms H Notting) (312)
No. 2
- Aust Ch Szamor Tom Collins At Cayugaridge (AI) (Imp NZ) (Leslie A Weston) (310)
No. 3
- Aust Ch Cayugaridge Versace (AI) (Leslie A Weston) (251)
No. 4
- Aust Sup Ch Dachdotcom Isadore W (Andrea Coss) (243)
No. 5
- Szamor Gin O'Clock At Kizatri (AI) (Imp NZ) (Mel Howarth) (231)
No. 6
- Aust Ch Wyredach Chantilly Lace (Ms H Notting) (220)
No. 7
- Aust Ch Cayugaridge Kit Kat EIC (Mel Howarth) (219)
No. 8
- Aust Sup Ch Dachdotcom Rumour Has It (AI) (J & T McDonald) (191)
No. 9
- Aust Ch Idylewins Wanda At Rimzan (Mr R & Mrs D Squires) (188)
No. 10
- Cayugaridge Cotton Kandy (Leslie A Weston) (169)
No. 11
- Aust Ch Rimzan Whiskey Glasses (AI) (Mr R & Mrs D Squires) (164)
No. 12
- Aust Ch Kissdachs Genius Matrix (Imp UK) (Andrea Coss) (151)
No. 13
- Aust Sup Ch Idylewins Terrific Treacle (Melissa Purich) (120)
No. 14
- Aust Ch Cayugaridge Pink Diamond (AI) (Gail Wood) (95)
No. 15
- Dachdotcom Wiry Red Rascal( AI) (Lorraine Woods) (72)
No. 16
- Rimzan See Me Now (AI) (Mr R & Mrs D Squires) (61)
No. 17
- Aust Ch Dachdotcom Ivy W (Leslie A Weston) (58)
No. 18
- Trueantallan Humpty Dumpty (Ian Cross) (50)
No. 19
- Aust Ch Cayugaridge Hershey Kiss (AI) (Leslie A Weston) (30)
No. 20
- Wyredach Shooting Star (AI) (Mrs B Gale) (28)
No. 21
- Aust Ch Wyredach Purple Rain (AI) (Mr R & Mrs D Squires / Mrs B Gale) (28)
No. 22
- Wyredach Dial I For Irresistible (AI) (Mrs B Gale) (25)
No. 23
- Rimzan Beautiful Crazy (AI) (Mr R & Mrs D Squires) (25)
No. 24
- Aust Ch Lowenhyte Winston (Ian Cross) (23)
No. 25
- Shasdin Wiry Shake It Off (Andrea Coss) (22)
No. 26
- Aust Ch Lowenhyte Wilma (Ian Cross) (13)
No. 27
- Wallabywire Sweet Citrine (AI) (Andrea Coss) (7)
No. 28
- Shasdin Wiry I Said Hi (J & T McDonald) (6)
Rising Star National Leaderboard 2024
The Rising Star leaderboard recognises the up and coming youngsters in the breed (up to 18 months of age). All shows (regardless of location) are eligible for inclusion in the National tallyboard.
Aust Ch Szamor Tom Collins At Cayugaridge (AI) (Imp NZ)
(Leslie A Weston)
No. 1
- Aust Ch Szamor Tom Collins At Cayugaridge (AI) (Imp NZ) (Leslie A Weston) (628)
No. 2
- Aust Ch Rimzan Whiskey Glasses (AI) (Mr R & Mrs D Squires) (593)
No. 3
- Aust Ch Kissdachs Genius Matrix (Imp UK) (Andrea Coss) (440)
No. 4
- Szamor Gin O'Clock At Kizatri (AI) (Imp NZ) (Mel Howarth) (438)
No. 5
- Cayugaridge Cotton Kandy (Leslie A Weston) (352)
No. 6
- Shasdin Wiry Shake It Off (Andrea Coss) (249)
No. 7
- Rimzan See Me Now (AI) (Mr R & Mrs D Squires) (231)
No. 8
- Aust Ch Cayugaridge Kit Kat EIC (Mel Howarth) (192)
No. 9
- Dachdotcom Wiry Red Rascal( AI) (Lorraine Woods) (162)
No. 10
- Rimzan Beautiful Crazy (AI) (Mr R & Mrs D Squires) (159)
No. 11
- Aust Ch Wyredach Chantilly Lace (Ms H Notting) (96)
No. 12
- Wallabywire Sweet Citrine (AI) (Andrea Coss) (90)
No. 13
- Trueantallan Humpty Dumpty (Ian Cross) (88)
No. 14
- Wyredach Shooting Star (AI) (Mrs B Gale) (67)
No. 15
- Wallabywire Exotic Emerald (AI) (Melissa Purich) (50)
No. 16
- Wyredach Dial I For Irresistible (AI) (Mrs B Gale) (28)
No. 17
- Shasdin Wiry I Said Hi (J & T McDonald) (26)
Neuter Competition 2024 National Leaderboard
The Neuter leaderboard recognises leading Neuters in the breed. All shows (regardless of location) are eligible for inclusion in the National tallyboard.
Aust Ch Neut Ch Boloria's Cincinnati (Imp UK)
(Dr Leslie A Weston)
No. 1
- Aust Ch Neut Ch Boloria's Cincinnati (Imp UK) (Dr Leslie A Weston) (95)
Conformation Breeder of the Year 2024 Leaderboard
The Conformation Breeder of the Year leaderboard recognises the top breeders in this breed based on various wins and titles earned by dogs that they have bred in conformation.
No. 1
- DACHDOTCOM (L Woods / Mr J & Mrs T McDonald) (265)
No. 2
- WYREDACH (Mrs B Gale) (130)
No. 3
- CAYUGARIDGE (Leslie A Weston) (123)
No. 4
- IDYLEWINS (G M Winch/ C J Reid/ Dr R Young) (36)
No. 5
- RIMZAN (Mr R & Mrs D Squires) (28)
No. 6
- LOWENHYTE (Ian Cross) (2)
Performance Breeder of the Year 2024 Leaderboard
The Performance Breeder of the Year leaderboard recognises the top breeders in this breed based on titles received in performance disciplines (dog sports).
No. 1
- CAYUGARIDGE (Leslie A Weston) (30)