Member Profile

Name: Grantulla

Town: Melbourne, VIC

Phone: 0402516647


Email: Reveal Email

Clubs : Saluki Club of Victoria

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Breeder Listings

Prefix : GRANTULLA (Azawakh)

The Azawakh is an ancient rare and unique breed from West Africa, to be specific, the Sahelian desert area. The nomadic people that live with this breed view them as a guardian, hunter and status symbol. Having been forged over millennia by a harsh desert environment and the selective hand of man, they are possessed of unique physical, mental and aesthetic qualities. In Sahelian culture an Azawakh is prized for “djikku”-intensity of character, which is considered a sign of nobility.

Our aim is to breed Azawakh, preserving the unique qualities and original function of the breed. Soundness is essential and with a lifetime of knowledge in breeding horses for competition we understand that correct structure is essential so our hounds can perform well in the show ring and lure coursing and any other chosen field of sport. Our dogs have excellent health passing health checks and all being tested for DCM and thyroid issues before breeding, with sound temperaments, that are trainable and bold.

Living on a rural property means all our hounds have grown up on the farm proving themselves to be a versatile, extremely athletic to being sensible around livestock in particular our horses. All our hounds are well-socialised and live as part of the family and participate in many of our daily activities. Our dogs are successful in the show ring and lure coursing field proving their versatility.

Next Litter Planned: Unknown

Prefix : GRANTULLA (Saluki)

At Grantulla we have been researching the breed intensively on the many varied types and how the saluqi is still used today in western society and the middle east.
I am proud to say I have made many strong connections within the breed and will be forever learning about these aristocratic hounds.

Living on a rural property means all our salukis have grown up on the farm proving themselves to be a very versatile breed that is extremely athletic to being sensible around livestock in particular our horses, and a loving family member.

All our salukis are well socialised and live as part of the family and participate in many of our daily activities.

Our aim is to breed moderate hounds, preserving the unique qualities and original function of the Saluki. Soundness is essential so that our Salukis can perform well in the open field, have excellent health, and possess outgoing, people loving temperaments.  Breeding for loving companions is one of the most important things because every puppy must be a family member.

Our Salukis compete in the Showring and Lure Coursing on most weekends we are happy to say hi if you see us out and about.

Next Litter Planned: Unknown

Prefix : GRANTULLA (Sloughi)

Having newly imported Sloughi to Australia they are the first to be ANKC recognised.
We look forward to trying our foundations in the show ring and lure coursing field we hope a bright and exciting future for the breed as we keep in mind the preservation and function of this rare breed in our future sights.

Next Litter Planned: Unknown

Dog Profiles / Pedigrees