Aust Ch Freevale On Cloud Nine BSCL1 A (0:0) Z (0:0)

Laika is the granddaughter of one of Australia's Greatest, Grand Champion Freevale Magnum Force. Laika has made her presence felt as she floats around the show ring with multiple class in group wins and her first challenge points at 6 months of age.

Laika is a very strong bitch of good type and balance. She has a stunning head and a personality that makes your heart melt. Laika has a wonderful temperament and is an absolute joy to own.

Thanks Matt & Caryl for allowing us to own this delightful little girl, who in typical Freevale style has left paw prints on our heart!!!

**Specialty Class Winner at 4 months of Age**

**Best Baby in Group Winner**

**Best Minor in Group Winner**

**Best Puppy in Group Winner**

**Best Junior in Group Winner**

**Multiple BEST of Breed**

**Challenge Bitch at 6 months of age**


For further information contact:

Contact :
Ivan & Sonya Pacek (Member Details)
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Pedigree for Aust Ch Freevale On Cloud Nine BSCL1 A (0:0) Z (0:0)
Sire : Cayos Von Der Noriswand S: Janos Von Der Noriswand S: Yasko Vom Farbenspiel
D: Rimona Von Der Noriswand
D: Babette Von Der Noriswand S: Jello Vom Michelstadter Rathaus
D: Amida Av Norden Stamm
Dam : Ch Freevale Love Me Crazy S: Grand Ch Freevale Magnum Force S: Lindendale Strike Force
D: Ch Freevale Enchantment
D: Ch Karlrach Love n Kisses S: Ch Hasenway Wild Knight
D: Karlrach Kiss n Cuddle