Rally Obedience Champion Lindenbrae Tarfinelektra CDX RAE2

Corey's litter was a very special one, being our first opportunity to double up on her grandmother, our wonderful Sorcha. Corey demonstrated such beautiful Lindenbrae style that we chose her, overlooking her unfortunately low ears in favour of her excellent conformation and movement. Her temperament is a wonderful blend of her parents: sweet and gentle with full-on drive when training and trialling. As is typical of Lindenbrae dogs, Corey loves her training. Her work ethic is second to none, and her heelwork is outstanding.

Corey completed CCD and CD very competently but since commencing Open trialling really began to shine. She regularly scores in the 190s and gained Highest Score in Trial at Geelong in completing her Open title.

Her trialling career was put on hold in 2012 when she whelped and raised a beautiful litter, sired by the lovely Ch Merrinda Valentino Rossi.

After a break of well over two years, Corey and I ventured back into the Open Obedience ring at Geelong's trial in July 2016. Corey was fantastic - lost ten points in heeling, due primarily to overexuberance, and not another point! A 190, winning the ring and the Highest Scoring Geelong member sash. She was so excited, happy and enthusiastic about being back in the ring with me that we have continued to find obedience trialling options amongst our Rally-O commitments with some very pleasing results.

Corey started her Rally-O career in December 2012, consistently scoring above 95, earning titles as follows:
Easter 2013 - Novice Rally Title
May 2013 - Rally Advanced Title
July 2014 - Rally Excellent Title
October 2014 - Rally Advanced - Excellent Title
October 2016 - Rally Advanced - Excellent 2 Title
December 2016 - Rally Masters Title

Corey became the first Border Collie in Victoria to complete her Rally Obedience Champion title with a score of 98 and first place at Wangaratta in May 2017 - she is truly a star!

Like her mother, Corey did a magnificent job at the 2014 Border Collie Nationals, scoring 99 to win her Excellent A class, then going one better to take first place in Winner of Winners!!

Her form at State Rally-O Trials has been sensational. In 2014 she won her Advanced B Class with a score of 100 and performed extremely creditably in the final. She won three of her four classes in 2015 and two of four classes in 2016.

Corey won multiple Best Score in Rally-O Trial sashes and rosettes in 2016 - 17 qualifying second for the 2017 Top Rally-O Dog of the Year competition. In 2017 - 18, she qualified second again and then went on to win the 2018 Final. In 2019 she came second in the Final to Ross Carlson's wonderful Aussie TJ. She qualified third in the 2020 Top Rally Dog competition having scored 100 in Masters at her first trial of 2020! That's seven years at the absolute top of her craft. I am so so so proud of this amazing grrrl! Awesome on the inside as well as on the outside.

Trialling photos courtesy Sal Robinson.

For further information contact:

Contact :
Libby Hotchin (Member Details)
Phone :
0417 050 084
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Pedigree for Rally Obedience Champion Lindenbrae Tarfinelektra CDX RAE2
Sire : Monlaird Poseidon CCD HT S: Lindenbrae Tarfin Bravado CCD RA TD S: Ch Bordalace Rocky Mtn High
D: Ch Jarrebor Taras Radiance CDX AD JDX ET HIT
D: Cedarlodge Bonnie Lass CD HIT S: Cedarlodge The Joker
D: Arawatta Swansea Lass
Dam : Ch Lindenbrae Tarfin Cazaly CDX RAE ADX JDM JDO GD SD (AI) S: Ch Bordalace Best Dressed S: Ch Moorakyne Mystery Tour
D: Ch Bordalace Cha Cha Cha
D: Ch Jarrebor Taras Radiance CDX AD JDX ET HIT S: Ch NZCh Moystonhill Midnite Sun
D: Lindenbrae Freyas Fancy CDX