Vondenaero Axa IPO1 'A''Z'

Powerful, independent bitch, with good drives and strong nerve.

DMA profiled.

Axa has produced 3 exellent working litters, with a large percentage of pups in sporting homes. She was mated to Haveloc Yoshy in August 2018, and pups are expected mid October. This will be Axa’s last litter.

For further information contact:

Contact :
Glynis Hendricks (Member Details)
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Reveal Email
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Pedigree for Vondenaero Axa IPO1 'A''Z'
Sire : NIvo vom Lubarser Schlosschen (IMP DEU) BH AD S: V Zar von der Schiffslache SchH2 IPO2 Kkl1 S: SG Ellute von der Mohnwiese SchH3 (2xBSP) IPO3 FH1 AD VPG2
D: G Flora von der Schiffslache SchH3
D: SG Haifa vom Lubarser Schlosschen SchH3 IPO3 Kkl1 S: V Glen von der Huhnergasse SchH3 IPO3 (5xBSP) (1xWUSV) FH1
D: G Dasha vom Bernsteintal SchH3 IPO3 (2xLGA)
Dam : Kvasers Jess (IMP SWE) S: V Ajax vom Rohnsaler Bach SchH3 IPO3 FH2 Kkl1 S: G Troll vom Haus Milinda SchH3 (1xWUSV) FH1 IP3 INT
D: SG Igruschka von Karthago SchH3
D: Kvasers Fixza IPO1 S: SG Ellute von der Mohnwiese SchH3 (2xBSP) IPO3 FH1 AD VPG2
D: Jabina Mie SchH2