ADVANCE® Breeder of the Year 2016

Breeder Results - Individual Dog

Dog Name : Aust Ch Graebrook Dublin Rogue RN AD ADO ADX JDX JDO NRA GDX SD SPD
Breed : Hungarian Vizsla
Owned by : Lara Sedgmen

Points total : 220

Date Show Name Result Points
9-Feb-2016 Title Certificate - Rally Novice (RN) 20
7-Apr-2016 Title Certificate - Jumping Dog (JD) 20
21-Jun-2016 Title Certificate - Strategic Pairs Dog (SPD) 20
21-Jun-2016 Title Certificate - Jumping Dog Excellent (JDX) 20
8-Jul-2016 Title Certificate - Agility Dog (AD) 20
8-Jul-2016 Title Certificate - Jumping Dog Open (JDO) 20
8-Jul-2016 Title Certificate - Snooker Dog (SD) 20
14-Sep-2016 Title Certificate - Agility Dog Open (ADO) 20
14-Sep-2016 Title Certificate - Gamblers Dog Excellent (GDX) 20
19-Oct-2016 Title Certificate - Agility Dog Excellent (ADX) 20
19-Oct-2016 Title Certificate - Novice Retrieving Ability Test (NRA) 20
Advanced Pet Nutrition™