Vanharley Black Velvet 'A'1-2'Z'0-0BSCII

Blacky has excellent hips & elbows and is very well bred. She is sired by Excellent Select Graded ORPHEUS V.D. KRAUTERWIESE and a Grandaughter of Sieger IWAN V. LECHTAL and WORLD SIEGER - URSUS V. BATU
Large, strong, well pigmented bitch, of good type, with a strong, but feminine head enhanced by dark eyes. She has good over and underline.
Has a friendly outgoing character and presented herself confidently at survey and is gunsure.

RIP Blacky, run free at Rainbow Bridge

For further information contact:

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Debra Colson (Member Details)
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Pedigree for Vanharley Black Velvet 'A'1-2'Z'0-0BSCII
Sire : Orpheus V.D. Krauterwiese 'a' S: Vantor V. Batu 'a' SchHIII S: SIEGER Ursus V. Batu 'a' VA SchHIII
D: Ziwa V. Batu 'a' SchHIII
D: Isi V.D. Krauterwiese 'a' SchHI S: Iwan V. Lechtal 'a'
D: Flora V.D. Krauterwiese 'a' SchHI
Dam : Vanharley Quanta S: Ch. Iwan V. Lechtal 'a' S: Immo V. Batu 'a' SchHIII
D: Kimba V. Lechtal 'a' SchHII
D: Vanharley Tramp's Harmony S: Sieger/Gold Medallist/Ch. Exc Select Iniff Vagrant
D: Shaleedy Vital Vixen